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Peak Performance Buoyancy

PADI Specialty Courses

If you’ve ever wanted to look just like those advanced divers who seem to have their buoyancy completely under control at all times, PADI’s Peak Performance Buoyancy course is for you.

Furthermore, if you have any interest in underwater photography, completing this course is a must. Knowing how to control your buoyancy correctly allows you to achieve and maintain the perfect position that will give you the best chance at excellent shots.

WHAT is all the fuss about?

Having a good handle on your buoyancy is a good idea for so many reasons – not only does it look like you know what you’re doing, but you’ll save on air consumption and be able to navigate through all sorts of exciting structures.

Think of all the wrecks, tricky channels and tiny holes you’ve missed out on because you weren’t comfortable maintaining your buoyancy in difficult situations.

WHAT will I learn?

Learn how to trim your gear and balance yourself correctly underwater.

Get a grasp on the nuances of weight requirements underwater – being too heavy or too light will impact your buoyancy and your proficiency.

Learn how to streamline yourself and your equipment, ensuring the only movements you make are controlled, minimal and almost effortless.

All these techniques will help to save you air.

You’ll also gain an extra level of comfort under the water when you’re taught how to hover in a horizontal and vertical position making use of your buoyancy device and breathing techniques.

WHY should I be excited?

To dive with minimal effort adds to the entire experience – you’re more relaxed and therefore in a better headspace to appreciate the beauty of the underwater world around you.

In addition, as a calmer, more confident diver that simply glides from here to there, you’ll be able to stay down for longer without needing to resurface because you’re low on air from over-kicking and inflating your BCD.

HOW do I do it?

Practice makes perfect, and with the correct techniques and plenty of time to practice, you’ll be amazed at the impact this fun and stimulating course will have on your future diving experiences.

Contact Us

+60 (0) 111 868 0702 (Mobile)