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Emergency Oxygen Provider

PADI Specialty Courses

Any level of diver can participate in the Emergency Oxygen Provider Course.

In fact, you don’t even need a diving qualification in order to do the course as these essential skills are handy to have on-board any dive boat or even in snorkelling situations.

WHAT is all the fuss about?

The PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Course will teach you how to identify when emergency oxygen is needed, and how to administer the oxygen to save someone’s life and reduce their risk of further injury.

WHAT will I learn?

Learn the essential skills involved in handling an emergency situation – what signs and symptoms to look out for, what those signs mean, and how to act accordingly.

You’ll learn how to handle the equipment with confidence so that should the need arise, you won’t be nervous in your abilities to do things correctly.

By the time the course is over, you’ll consider yourself an expert in how to handle situations where you have a breathing or non-breathing diver.

In the case of a non-breathing victim, you’ll be taught how to use a pocket mask to administer rescue breaths, whilst if the diver is breathing you’ll know how to use a non-rebreather mask and a demand inhalator valve.

WHERE will it take me?

If you’re hoping to one day become a rescue diver or moving onwards to semi-professional dive master level, this course is a must.

WHY should I be excited?

Having the knowledge to save someone’s life is an exciting concept and something you can be exceptionally proud of.

HOW do I do it?

All you need is a disposable non-rebreather mask to practice with, and the course instructors will provide the rest.

A non-rebreather mask is a good item to carry with you on any dive as it will come in excellent use in an emergency situation.

Contact Us

+60 (0) 111 868 0702 Mobile