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PADI Bubblemaker

PADI Courses

Kids can take their first breaths underwater and discover an exciting and unique experience.

WHO is up for adventure?

Anyone between the ages of 8 and 10 who likes bubbles! Children need to be comfortable in the water and at least 8 years old, but other than that there are no prerequisites, so jump right in!

WHAT is all the fuss about?

With PADI’s Bubblemaker course children have the chance to experience a taste of scuba diving like never before.

Under the careful supervision of a PADI trained professional, Bubblemakers submerge in water no deeper than 2 metres and enjoy the thrill of breathing underwater using specially-size children’s equipment.

WHAT will I learn?

Fun and interesting facts about scuba diving and the ocean and how to use some of the special scuba gear.

WHERE will it take me?

After completing the Bubblemaker experience, children have the chance to sign up for PADI’s Seal Team – a fun and unique adventure where they work as a team to complete secret scuba missions.

WHEN will I be ready?

The Bubblemaker experience is only 1 short day, but the memories will last a lifetime.

HOW do I do it?

Contact us to arrange a Bubblemaker experience. It’s even possible to have a Bubblemaker Birthday Party with friends!

Contact Us

+60 (0) 111 868 0702 Mobile